
4 Benefits of Enrolling Your Child in ISEE Exam Preparation Courses

By APlus on 11 January 19 Blog

ISEE examp preparation

The Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE) can be a crucial turning point for young students hoping to gain admission to competitive private schools.

Designed to test students’ reading, writing and math skills, the exam is offered at four levels, each spanning multiple grades, and is organized into five sections (Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, Mathematics Achievement and an unscored Essay section). Students’ scores in each section are assessed and ranked relative to other students at their grade level, and sent to the schools for which they’re applying, along with the unscored essay.

The ISEE offers schools a reliable and fair metric for gauging students’ abilities, and as such, is commonly used for admissions to independent schools seeking the best and brightest students. Fortunately, ISEE preparation courses can equip students with a range of techniques and strategies to help them achieve a competitive score.

If you’re looking at independent school options for your child and want to make sure they have the strongest application possible, here are five benefits of enrolling them in an ISEE prep course.

Students Can Familiarize Themselves with the Relevant Subject Areas

The ISEE is intended to be a broad assessment of a student’s skill level, and as such, the four scored sections in the test cover a wide range of subject areas, including synonyms, word problems, vocabulary, logic, geometry, algebraic concepts and more. With an ISEE preparation course, students can familiarize themselves with the relevant subject areas ahead of time so they can go into their exam knowing exactly what to expect.

ISEE courses

ISEE preparation familiarizes students with the contents and structure of the exam

Students Learn Advanced Strategies for Answering Multiple-Choice Questions

Every scored section of the ISEE uses a multiple-choice format in which students select the most correct answer from several options. By participating in ISEE courses, students can gain a big advantage when taking the test by learning advanced strategies for how to correctly answer multiple-choice questions, even when they have only partial knowledge of the subject.

ISEE Exam Preparation Can Help Students Make the Most of their Time

One of the most challenging aspects of the ISEE for students is the tight timeframe given for completing the test. The Verbal Reasoning portion of the Middle and Upper Level ISEE tests, for example, contains 40 questions, but is allotted only twenty minutes for completion. With this hectic timeframe, it’s possible for students to panic and rush, particularly when getting to the later sections of the exam.

This means that for students taking the test, good pacing and time management can be essential for achieving a high score. With Independent School Entrance Exam preparation, students can learn techniques for how to answer questions quickly and keep their time under control, ensuring that they can make it to the end of the exam without having to rush or skip questions.

Independent School Entrance Exam

ASC A+’s ISEE prep course teaches students how to answer questions quickly when pressed for time

Increased Confidence and Decreased Test Anxiety

Many younger students taking the ISEE may not have significant experience taking timed exams, which can be stressful even for those who are used to them. By learning effective techniques and strategies, and familiarizing themselves with the contents and structure of the exam, however, you can ensure that your child has the confidence to stay calm during the test period, focus on the exam and give their best possible effort.

Are you looking for ways to help your child achieve their best possible score on the ISEE?

Contact ASC A+ to learn more about our ISEE exam preparation courses.