
3 Ways SAT Classes During the Holidays Can Lower Students’ Test Anxiety

By APlus on 20 December 19 Blog

intensive sat prep classes

It is common for students preparing to write the SAT to have some anxiety about the test and how to write a successful essay. Fear or anxiety often indicates that a student cares about the results of the test, which is a good sign. However, if a student feels so nervous that it blocks them from studying, it is important to develop strategies to deal with the pressure.

There are many strategies to prepare for each section of the SAT with proven study techniques. It is also important to know what factors help students get into the right mindset to approach the test with confidence. Writing tutors and SAT test prep instructors have the experience to recognize anxiety and work with students to overcome it. These are the ways in which SAT classes can help reduce anxiety on test day.

1. SAT Classes Make the Questions Familiar

When a student is nervous it can lead to “writer’s block.” This type of anxiety can come from unfamiliarity with the task or fear of failure and lead to procrastination. SAT classes make sure that students know what to expect from the test and provide time for students to practice. The SAT Essay starts with a given passage and asks the students to respond within 50 minutes. Studying practice prompts with the guidance of an instructor will increase confidence for the test.

Students who get to ask questions and receive feedback will likely have less anxiety

Students who get to ask questions and receive feedback will likely have less anxiety

Further, when a student has access to a class, they are able to ask questions and get direct, individual answers. The SAT is a very specific kind of essay and students need to learn specific techniques. Tutors and instructors are an excellent resource because the students are able to express their questions about the test before their nerves get the better of them.

2. Peer Support Boosts Study Habits

Sometimes studying is done well alone, but often it helps to have peer support. Here are some benefits to the peer support that students will get in intensive SAT prep classes:

  • Students see that anxiety is typical and common and feel more able to overcome it.
  • Peers develop positive connections through similar ambitions for their futures and become more motivated.
  • It might be easier to share anxiety with peers, which can help clarify the source and relieve it.
  • Sharing strategies: students can give each other relevant advice for what they’re experiencing.

3. Establish Practice Strategies

One of the biggest relief strategies for anxiety is preparation and practice. Although the essay section of the SAT is different than the other sections, it still requires a similar kind of preparation. Some examples of transferable practices are reading the instructions carefully, underlining key words and phrases, and practicing with a time constraint.

The most important preparation for the SAT is practice

The most important preparation for the SAT is practice

Students who take SAT prep classes are less likely to procrastinate because they have time set aside to learn what works for them and what does not. When students have the opportunity to develop strategies, they will approach the test day with a greater sense of self-assurance.

Looking for SAT prep courses?

ASC A+ offers courses over the winter break!